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Where I'm From

Mountains, Mountains, Mountains adore,

Walking across the rocky shore.

I have wondered, and I have thought,

What would happen if I ever forgot?


Forgot about the past, sometimes hard to see,

Even though it makes up every part of me.

Forgot about the firsts, the trials and the laughs,

Forgot about the lasts, the memories and the photographs.


But none of this will ever come

Because this here, is where I’m from:


I’m from the city, I’m from the country,

And you can bet your money that we’ll call you honey.


I’m from a place that says momma, and daddy too.

I’m from a place that says please and thank you.


I’m from fishing and camping and s’mores.

I’m from weekends of playing outdoors.


I’m from a star that shines so bright.

You will never want to let it out if your sight.


I’m from the valley, your typical girl,

I’m from spins, twists and twirls.


I’m from much, but all above,

I’m from family, my home to love.

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